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Child & Adolescent.

Compassionate, Informed. Progressive.


Our philosophy of holistic care extends to children and sets them up for a strong and healthy future. Youths often present with unusual symptoms that require nuanced understanding and different dosages and interventions than adults.

Childhood medical and psychiatric issues are on the rise and we understand the challenges of being a parent; struggling to find answers. Insights and experience based on decades of recovering children with neuro-developmental delay, metabolic disorders and those non-responsive to traditional treatments had a profound impact on Dr. Levinson’s evolution as a clinician and galvanized his commitment to the health and wellness of younger patients.

From the use of antibiotics to natural remedies to our best practices regarding vaccination and more, we want parents to be in a position to make the best decisions possible.

Dr. Levinson uses a balance of western medicine, diet, nutrition, homeopathy, plus other non-toxic treatment options to address complex medical ailments, in addition to emotional and learning difficulties using little or no prescription medicines. Our goal is to naturalistically move your son or daughter toward a vibrant, happy childhood and the opportunities that the future promises.


What to expect with your first appointment

Families who bring their child to be evaluated by Dr. Levinson can expect an initial consultation consisting of a comprehensive history and an assessment of their symptoms, diagnostics and interventions past and present. From there a collaboratively built plan is formed with an in-depth discussion about strategy and appropriate testing in order to create a clear and understandable treatment plan.   Fundamental to this approach is the doctor’s ability to apply informed scientific method while tuning into each patient’s unique challenges in order to confirm success.

ADHD / OCD / Mood and Behavioral Disorders

Treatments and causes alike are widely debated within the medical and psychiatric community and among educators and parents. The resulting choice of treatment for a child with emotional or behavioral problems is a pivotal moment and its impact on the child and their parents can be profound. Conventionally, these issues are widely treated with medication, but we believe any sort of pharmaceutical interventions should be an absolute last resort, especially when dealing with a developing mind. Dr. Levinson’s whole being and synergistic approach to these issues is incredibly effective.


Autism & Developmental Delay

For almost twenty years, Dr. Levinson has been at the forefront of treatment and innovation; working with scientists and clinicians in think tanks, educating parents and training physicians around the world; and effectively treating the symptoms while addressing the root causes of the disorder in his patients.  A vast majority of children on the spectrum have severe systemic illness;  affecting multiple body systems (e.g. gastrointestinal, neurological,  immunologic, metabolic and inflammatory). The approach is to diagnose and treat these underlying medical problems, detoxify environmental triggers and support dysregulated pathways: resulting in a dramatic resolution to their behavioral, language and cognitive problems.

Metabolic & Medical Conditions

The work that he has done to resolve complex behavioral and emotional issues by addressing the underlying physiologic and biochemical abnormalities has led to a deep understanding of our body’s dynamic processes. Over time parents have sought out Dr. Levinson’s expertise to address conditions that may lack a diagnosis, have a rare metabolic origin or are commonplace but have them saddled with a ham-handed medical treatment. By applying this unique healing philosophy he has consistently been able to add clarity to the diagnosis and treat the core issues and symptoms with an attuned effectiveness.